Aminet 52
Aminet 52 (2002)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 2002].iso
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146 lines
/* $Filename: WormWars/Source/diff.h
* $VER: WormWars 7.21
* Constants that are used on both platforms but have different values on
* each platform.
* © Copyright 2002 James R. Jacobs.
#include <exec/types.h>
/* SAME ON EACH PLATFORM --------------------------------------------------
types */
typedef signed char FLAG; /* 8-bit signed quantity (replaces BOOL) */
typedef signed char ABOOL; /* 8-bit signed quantity (replaces BOOL) */
typedef signed char SBYTE; /* 8-bit signed quantity (replaces Amiga BYTE) */
typedef signed short SWORD; /* 16-bit signed quantity (replaces Amiga WORD) */
typedef signed long SLONG; /* 32-bit signed quantity (same as LONG)
DIFFERING ON EACH PLATFORM ------------------------------------------------
types */
typedef signed char COLOUR; /* 8-bit signed */
typedef unsigned char SCANCODE; /* 8-bit unsigned
miscellaneous */
#define ABOUTXPIXEL 312
#define ABOUTYPIXEL 114
#define DEFAULTSET "PROGDIR:WormWars.fset"
#define DELAY 15000L
#define FONTX 8 /* in pixels... */
#define FONTY 8
#define SCREENXPIXEL 639
#define SCREENYPIXEL 501
#define SQUAREX 12
#define SQUAREY 12
#define STARTXPIXEL 83
#define STARTYPIXEL 16
/* scancodes */
#define ALPHAONE 0x01 /* row 1. alphabetic 1 */
#define ALPHATWO 0x02 /* row 1. alphabetic 2 */
#define ALPHATHREE 0x03 /* row 1. alphabetic 3 */
#define ALPHAFOUR 0x04 /* row 1. alphabetic 4 */
#define ALPHAFIVE 0x05 /* row 1. alphabetic 5 */
#define ALPHASIX 0x06 /* row 1. alphabetic 6 */
#define ALPHASEVEN 0x07 /* row 1. alphabetic 7 */
#define ALPHAEIGHT 0x08 /* row 1. alphabetic 8 */
#define ALPHANINE 0x09 /* row 1. alphabetic 9 */
#define ALPHAZERO 0x0A /* row 1. alphabetic 0 */
#define NUMERICZERO 0x0F /* row 5. numeric 0 */
#define Q 0x10 /* row 2. */
#define W 0x11 /* row 2. */
#define E 0x12 /* row 2. erase */
#define R 0x13 /* row 2. revert */
#define KEY_T 0x14 /* row 2. teleport */
#define KEY_Y 0x15 /* row 2. */
#define KEY_U 0x16 /* row 2. */
#define I 0x17 /* row 2. create icons? */
#define O 0x18 /* row 2. open... */
#define P 0x19 /* row 2. */
#define NUMERICONE 0x1D /* row 5. numeric 1 */
#define NUMERICTWO 0x1E /* row 5. numeric 2 */
#define NUMERICTHREE 0x1F /* row 5. numeric 3 */
#define A 0x20 /* row 3. save as... */
#define S 0x21 /* row 3. save */
#define D 0x22 /* row 3. delete */
#define F 0x23 /* row 3. effects */
#define K 0x27 /* row 3. */
#define INTERNATIONALONE 0x2B /* row 3. international key adj. to
Return (on some keyboards) */
#define NUMERICFOUR 0x2D /* row 5. numeric 4 */
#define NUMERICFIVE 0x2E /* row 5. numeric 5 */
#define NUMERICSIX 0x2F /* row 5. numeric 6 */
#define INTERNATIONALTWO 0x30 // row 4. international key adj. to undo
#define Z 0x31 /* row 4. */
#define KEY_X 0x32 /* row 4. */
#define C 0x33 /* row 4. */
#define V 0x34 /* row 4. */
#define N 0x36 /* row 4. new */
#define M 0x37 /* row 4. music */
#define NUMERICDOT 0x3C /* row 5. numeric . */
#define NUMERICSEVEN 0x3D /* row 5. numeric 7 */
#define NUMERICEIGHT 0x3E /* row 5. numeric 8 */
#define NUMERICNINE 0x3F /* row 5. numeric 9 */
#define SPACEBAR 0x40 /* row 4. */
#define ENTER 0x43 /* row 5. numeric Enter */
#define RETURN 0x44 /* row 2. alphabetic Return */
#define ESCAPE 0x45 /* row 0. */
#define DELETE 0x46 /* row 3. */
#define NUMERICMINUS 0x4A /* row 5. numeric - */
#define UP 0x4C /* row 1. */
#define DOWN 0x4D /* row 4. */
#define RIGHT 0x4E /* row 3. */
#define LEFT 0x4F /* row 2. */
#define F1 0x50 /* row 0. */
#define F2 0x51 /* row 0. */
#define F3 0x52 /* row 0. */
#define F4 0x53 /* row 0. */
#define F5 0x54 /* row 0. */
#define F6 0x55 /* row 0. */
#define F7 0x56 /* row 0. */
#define F8 0x57 /* row 0. */
#define F9 0x58 /* row 0. */
#define F10 0x59 /* row 0. */
#define NUMERICOPEN 0x5A /* row 0. numeric ( */
#define NUMERICCLOSE 0x5B /* row 0. numeric ) */
#define NUMERICSLASH 0x5C /* row 5. numeric / */
#define NUMERICASTERISK 0x5D /* row 5. numeric * */
#define NUMERICPLUS 0x5E /* row 5. numeric + */
#define HELP 0x5F /* row 0. */
#define LASTQUALIFIER 0x67
#define KEYUP 0x80 /* key release */
/* colours */
#define BLACK 0
#define LIGHTGREY 1 // Ideally white should be the 2nd colour. This
// enables the titlebar to render correctly.
#define DARKGREEN 2
#define DARKYELLOW 3
#define MEDIUMGREY 4
#define DARKBLUE 5
#define BLUE 6
#define GREEN 7
#define DARKRED 8
// brown is 9
#define RED 10
#define YELLOW 11
#define DARKGREY 12
#define ORANGE 13
#define PURPLE 14 // Ideally black should be the 2nd-last colour,
#define WHITE 15 // and white the last colour. This enables the
// menus to render correctly.
/* Must have blank line at EOF. */